May 29, 2009

We're Gonna Rock It!

by Debamitra

I just read Suzy's recent blog and wanted to add that YES we are going to rock it in whatever way we can:) I know I can speak for all of us when I say no matter what happens tomorrow, just the journey to get here as been amazing. I realized I could do something that I never in a million years thought I could do and in the process I also got to meet some amazing women and build friendships. But that's it about me. Everything else is about the cause we are running for and what it means to Suzy and her family. I am glad that we could help out in this way Suzy!

Good night and see you all tomorrow bright and early!

1 comment:

  1. Ok, Debamitra... you are totally making me cry here. THANK YOU so much for everything you've done! I have enjoyed this journey immensely, not least because it gave me the opportunity to know you better -- AND to watch your utter determination in tackling this goal. It's been so very inspiring!

    I'm honored to be running with you tomorrow!
